We want you to be satisfied with everything you purchase and are happy to offer a refund for any reason if you are not.  That said, we'd love to know the reason you're unhappy, so we can improve things in the future or provide a remedy.  Sometimes the problem is poor communication on our side (e.g. the appearance of duplicated puzzles).

If you purchased from Apple, they've made it quick and simple to request a refund yourself (and impossible for us to do on your behalf). Here is their guide: https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT204084.

If you purchased from Google, please contact us (here in this portal or via email to support@eggheadgames.com) so we can process the refund directly (via Google's admin page).  Please let us know what email address you use with your Google account and/or the order number so we can find the order to refund it.

Thanks, Michael @ Egghead Games